Cutdana and Zardosi embroidery design

Bridal blouse with annam and mango motifs


          1.A beautiful bridal blouse for a gorgeous young lady. The two mango motifs near the shoulders form the mogappu of a necklace. The two annam motifs make the beautiful dollar of a haaram. Totally it turns to a grand necklace on the back of a bridal blouse. The stitches are made with a variety of golden materials like sugar beads, round beads and micro beads. Various red stones are used to highlight the design.

Here is the trace of the annam motif. Hope it’s useful for you 👍
                                           Sleeve design 

                                              Front neck 


  1. Really it was a very beautiful design... and I want a hand design for this blouse

  2. Really it was a very beautiful design... and I want a hand design for this blouse

    1. Just now I uploaded the sleeve and front neck designs

    2. Just now I uploaded the sleeve and front neck designs

  3. Very nice...give me your what's up no. Need this design

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